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When complex medical situations arise, do you wish you had a doctor in the family to ask your questions and be your patient advocate?

Now you do.

And your first call is always free.

I am a board-certified cardiologist with 20+ years experience, but I also know what it’s like to be on the other side of the bed. I’ve navigated complex medical situations both as a patient and as a family member.

Although I’m retired from practicing medicine, helping others is still my true calling.


The modern healthcare system can be confusing to navigate.

That’s where my experience will guide you. I’ll listen to your concerns, answer your questions and navigate you. If desired, I can even talk to the doctors on your behalf as a health advocate.


It is hard to find the words to tell you how much your input meant to me and to our family when Allen suffered the stroke last month. Unable to enter the hospital, meet face to face with anyone or understand the medical terms, having you was my shining light at the end of a very dark tunnel. I was no longer alone.
— Mary, Call Doctor Chris client
Having you there for not only my mom and dad, but for me... Being so far from everyone, you made me feel comfortable and just better.
— Kim, Call Doctor Chris client
I remember how empathetic and kind you were to me when you told me that my husband needed his valve replaced. You may recall I was sitting in the waiting room and you got down and one knee and was eye level with me to tell me. I really appreciated you doing that.
— Margaret, wife of former patient
My family and I are terribly grateful for the extra 7 years with our mother. Her grandson is heartbroken (six years old). She was his best friend and that is a relationship you helped give her. Thank you for making a difference to all of us.
— Martin, son of former patient

I will listen to your concerns, answer your questions, advocate for you and give you the knowledge you need. You will walk away feeling confident in your decisions and, regardless of the medical outcome, mentally at peace.